News is evolving.  The Obama Administration has scheduled an announcement for 1:15pm EDT Friday, June 15th, so stay tuned. Preliminarily, it appears the Obama Administration has decided to implement a Deferred Action option for illegal immigrants in removal proceedings.  The policy, effective immediately, will apply to those in removal proceeding (a) under the age of 30; (b) who arrived to the U.S. before the age of 16; (c) who have lived in the country for at least five years; (d) who have no substantial criminal record (TBD); and (e) who have earned a high school diploma, remained in school or have joined the U.S. military.

Read the Department of Homeland Security Press Release.

Learn more:  DHS

Learn more:  ICE

Faced with harsh criticism about heavy-handed deportation policies, the Department of Homeland Security announced today that it will review the cases of 300,000 illegal immigrants in deportation proceedings in an effort to curtail deportation for “low-priority” offenders. Cases targeted for relief include the elderly, those who have lived in the United States since childhood, and crime victims. Proponents and opponents of immigration reform immediately weighed in on the proposal, sure to become a political tempest. Read more about this significant development.

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